SEL Spotlight - Ms. Melani Gutierrez

Meet Ms. Melani Gutierrez, or as she is more affectionally known as Ms. G. the Windsor High School student support coordinator who is making a real difference in the lives of her students. Ms. Gutierrez has been in the education system for many years, and she continues to stay passionate about helping students succeed, both academically and emotionally. She works tirelessly to create an inclusive and supportive environment for all Windsor High School students inside of the Student Support Center (SSC). 

One of Ms. Gutierrez's greatest strengths is her ability to have disengaged students open up to her. She takes the time to understand their individual needs, strengths, and challenges, and she works closely with their families to develop personalized support plans. Windsor students feel seen and heard, and they know that Ms. Gutierrez truly cares about their well-being and success.

Ms. Gutierrez is also very committed to executing Windsor High Principal Breon Parker, vision of creating and sustaining a culture of safety, excellence, student achievement, and support for all Windsor High School stakeholders. She is also very grateful to work with two amazing SEL Specialists inside of the SSC, Ms. Dianne Shaw and Mr. Quinn Fleeting. As stated in her own words "We are a dream team who co-create Tier 1 and Tier 2 workshops, in addition to providing individual student check-ins, designed to empower student growth."  

Ms. Gutierrez ends by sending a special shout out to all Windsor High School teachers, staff, and families.

Listen to a short video of Ms. Gutierrez SEL Perspective.